Horizon Nuclear Power the new join venture between RWE Npower and E.On to drive forward the new build programme on the island.
Dealing with the Past
Information about decommissioning Wylfa including plans for defuelling, care and maintenance, demolition and site clearance.
The power station covers an area of about 50 hectares and is located close to the sea, which provides an excellent cooling source for the plant's operation.
While an unlimited supply of cooling sea water is important, the very solid rock formations which provide excellent support for heavy plant also favoured this location.
With the UK Government looking at long term energy security and the future role of nuclear, you can follow latest developments at the Magnox Nuclear Power Station on Anglesey here.
The 980 MW power plant operates on a site owned by the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA) and operated by Magnox North Limited, a Site Licensing Company, and wholly owned by Reactor Sites Management Company Limited, a Parent Body Organisation (PBO), for the duration of its contract with the NDA.
Between them Magnox North and South generate about 8% and falling of the electricity consumed in the UK. With 8 Magnox stations and one hydroelectric plant, the Magnox companies provide more than 24 billion KWh each year, enough electricity to meet annual demand for Greater London.
Current plans are for the plant to end electricity generation in December 2010, but there is a possibility its life may be extended a further few years.

Reactor Information
The power station has two 490 MW reactors encased within steel lined pressure vessels and concrete walls over 3 metres thick.
The graphite cores each weigh 3,800 tonnes. Over 6,000 vertical fuel channels contain 595 natural uranium channels together with a further 200 channels which allow boron control rods to enter the reactor.
Heat generated inside the reactor is transferred by pressurised carbon dioxide (CO2).
First, let's remember that all power stations - except hydroelectric- generate electricity by using heat to create steam which turns turbines.

And secondly, Wylfa is a nuclear power station, which means the heat comes from splitting the nucleus ("core") of uranium atoms in the reactor. This process is called nuclear fission and results in a massive release of energy as heat.
To give you an idea of the very high energy content of uranuim, consider that 1 tonne of uranium produces as much energy as 15,000 tonnes of coal or 9,000 tonnes of oil.
More information
The station typically supplies 23 million KWh of electricity daily. What does this mean? Well, this is enough to provide for the combined needs of 2 cities like Manchester and Liverpool. Losing this amount of energy would be significant, particularly as it is a source of energy that does not make the problem of global warming worse.
With concerns over climate change growing, as well as the needs of a local Aluminium smelter, Anglesey Aluminium Metal, many are calling for a new power station to be built next to the existing plant.
Magnox nuclear power stations have provided a safe and reliable source of electricity for over 30 years. Safety is paramount and the site has received awards for its excellent record in this area.
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