Skerries Tidal Energy Lease Granted
by J Roberts
(North Wales)
Skerries Tidal Stream Array
The Crown Estate agrees the essential lease for the Skerries Tidal Stream Array off the west Anglesey coast, giving the green light to SeaGeneration (Wales)to develop further its tidal farm project.
SeaGeneration (Wales) is a joint venture development company
formed between Marine Current Turbines Limited (MCT) and RWE npower renewables to develop, install and commission up to nine 1.5 MW undersea SeaGen turbines.
The company carried out extensive scoping studies in the Langdon Ridge, and area renown for its especially strong tidal currents between Skerries Rock and Carmel Head on the north west tip of Anglesey.
Estiamtes suggest the £70 million project to construct the 10MW tidal farm will generate sufficient electricity to power around 10,000 homes.
If all necessary finance is secured, SeaGeneration (Wales) expects the project to complete and be commissioned by 2015.
While the lease for the project was approved by the Crown Estate, environmental and planning matters have to meet conditions laid down by the Welsh Government, which is very keen to maximise the potential of marine energy developments along the coastline of Wales.
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