yes to wylfa B

by matt
(holyhead north wales)

There are already a shortage of big employing engineering sites in north wales and to STOP building wylfa B would be a shame.

lots of students are studying engineering in colleges aroun the north wales area which are hoping to get a job in the wylfa B site or in wylfa A.

to go ahead would bring more people into work and lower levels of people with no jobs also.

even tho north wales wants to be a green island, nuclear power has always been bigger and faster idea and should not be stopped.

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Comments for yes to wylfa B

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Aug 11, 2010
Get real about wylfa
by: Anonymous

We have so few jobs on anglesey.We are loosing our young people.Wylfa B will provide so many new jobs,this causing a huge boost to our economy that will snowball throughout the island.To oppose Wylfa B is selfish and shortsighted.

Jun 06, 2010
Yes, go ahead wylfa B
by: Joe

I own a house locally here in Cemaes. Ised to work at the existing Wylfa A station. It's a good place, good community, this is necessary for the future of the island employment and economic prospects.

Please get a move on.

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