YES to Wylfa B

by A. Non

Plaese build Wylfa B, it is what is wanted on Anglesey, it will help save the Economy and also stop it from becoming a ghost town. Only way to cut carbon emissions, is more nuclear power stations, new type is best.

Support for Wylfa B, support for the people, support for the economy and support for jobs,support for Anglesey Aluminium, support for the earth, it all goes hand in hand really.

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Comments for YES to Wylfa B

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Feb 20, 2009
Thanks Simon for your support
by: Anonymous

Why do we want to be held to ransom by countries supplying us oil. Good point there.

I have written to the PM about this issue, looks like he does read his e-mails then.


Wylfa all the way

Oct 29, 2008
Urgent Wylfa B Build
by: Simon

Yes, I agree with you.

Building a new nuclear plant on Anglesey is urgently needed.

For the local economy, to make a contribution to reducing the growing energy gap in the UK because so many nuclear and coal plants are closing down over the next 10 years or so.

We also need to boost our energy security in Britain, so we don't rely so much on foreign oil and gas.

Do we want to be dependent on countries like Russia, Algeria and Iran for gas which will make our electricity?

And as you say, the need to save the planet from the growth in carbon dioxide emissions is important too....

Especially now that the British government has committed us to reduce CO2 emissions by 80% by 2050.

Come on Wylfa B......

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