Wylfa B Online Land Auction War To Start

by Malcolm

Land near Wylfa Power Station will soon be auctioned online by the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA), as the fight for securing nuclear new build locations in Britain hots up.

With UK energy policy now favouring a new generation of nuclear power stations, a number of top power generating companies have formed consortia hoping to bid for Wylfa B and these other key locations.

According to the NDA, the online auction will invite the interested parties to bid for available land on its sites across the UK, with the aim of maximising funds raised for decommissioning the 19 sites the Authority owns across Britain.

The online auction will not exactly be open like eBay where everyone can see the latest action. Only the bidders will see the real time action, and this approach is preferred to a closed bid, as more money can be raised for cleaning old sites.

This process will be similar to that carried out by the government when they auctioned off third generation mobile phone licenses back in 2000.

As well as land at Wylfa, the NDA will auction off packets of land at Oldbury and Bradwell, all of which have 999 year leaseholds for the winning bid.

The process for each site is expected to be completed when no further bids are made 24 hours after the last bid.

When French giant EDF successfully acquired British Energy Group, a condition of the agreement was that it had to
sell its land at Wylfa
to give other companies the opportunity to compete for new build contracts.

A number of companies including Spanish firm Iberdrola and Scottish and Southern Energy have expressed interest in building a Wylfa B.

Momentum is certainly building up after
Prime Minister Gordon Brown said thousands of jobs could be created on Anglesey with a new plant at Wylfa

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Mar 10, 2009
nuclear sites online auction delays
by: Jim

It looks as if there are glitches with the NDA's super online auction to sell off packets of land it owns near existing nuclear power stations.

We know it is not meant to be ebay, but the deadline for the while process is 31 March 2009.

Time is running out to decide who will get the three sites which will be ideal for building the new generation nuclear reactors.

Wylfa on Anglesey, Bradwell in Essex and Oldbury in Gloucestershire are the locations.

This should be good for the NDA because the bidders will not know the identity of their competitors, only that one of them has bid so much.

It also means that the price will be driven higher which means more money for the NDA to help with decommissioning.

So will Wylfa B be run by a Spanish, French, Swedish, US or German company? We should know by early April.

Mar 04, 2009
ebay nuclear reactor
by: Anonymous

i thought it would be too good to be true that you could buy a nuclear station on ebay. but you never now:)

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