Wylfa A should be shut down earlier

by Kimberly Travis
(London, United Kingdom)

The existing Wylfa should be shut down safely now.

Operators should be aware of the old age of the equipment and attention should be drawn to the safety of people living in Great Britain and Europe and Scandinavia.

It is planned to be shut down 2010 but things refer to a nuclear accident in the West Coast of England in 2009.

Wylfa B's start is irresponsible if it is mainly based on factory power needs.

Experts should pay attention to the condition of the power station and/or the checking systems, the people in it, weather conditions and the affects of the credit crunch.

I am happy to discuss this further.

Editor's note: Thanks Kimberly for your comment. I am sure others will want to chime in on what is a very important topic, namely the replacement of the current Wylfa A, as well as the more strategic considerations of the UK's energy security and reducing our carbon footprint.

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Comments for Wylfa A should be shut down earlier

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Apr 26, 2009
wylfa collapse
by: welshboi

well maybe it should be shut down cos of old machinery! it could just collapse one day!

Mar 24, 2009
Anglesey Aluminium
by: Sponge

What, so Anglesey Aluminium had a contract that extended 6 years beyond the original planned decommissioning of Wylfa way back in 2004?

What sort of business bases its existence on the need to pipe in electricity from a power station with a finite lifespan and no concrete plans for any alternative electricity supply?

Where did they get their electric from when Wylfa was taken offline a couple of years back?

It deserves to shut down based on the ineptitude of all involved.

Feb 08, 2009
Keep Wylfa plant open
by: John

I don't agree with this idea, Kimberley. We need all the electricity that Wylfa A produces now, and it has to stay open until 2010.

Don't forget Anglesey Aluminium has a contract with Wylfa until September this year.

Lots of jobs would be lost if Wylfa closes early and Anglesey needs all the jobs it can get.

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