Thomas Close Play Association, Beaumaris
by Sue Beesley
Fine Anglesey weather contributed to the great success of the Thomas Close Play Association Fun Day on Sunday 24th August, although unfortunately Monday 25th was dogged by torrential rain and a mud ridden field.
Said organiser, Patch Glover: "The Association is immensely grateful to the considerable number of people who were invaluable in making the Fun Days a success and our thanks go out to the many".
To The High Sheriff of Anglesey and Gwynedd, Peter Rogers, who conducted the opening ceremony and who has given his undying support to the initiative.
Albert Owen MP who braved the conditions on Monday to draw the raffle.
Sir Richard Bulkeley for the use of Mountfield as a helipad. The helicopter rides were an enormous attraction.
Beaumaris Lifeboat crew for their help in erecting
gazebos, stewarding and their hospitality on the Monday when they gave us the use of their boathouse when the weather was so bad.
Beaumaris Football Club Committee for their huge help with stewarding.
Welshot Imaging, who were the official photographers for the day, and did a splendid job of capturing the atmosphere.
Bangor & Menai Bridge Lions for all their help and support.
Anglesey Vintage Equipment Society for the use of their 1953 Leyland Cub bus to make trips between the village green and Saunders Roe. The bus used was the last one made at Saunders Roe.
The local police force and, in particular, Community Beat Officer, Emma Williams, for her continuing support.
The Lady Mayor for braving the weather conditions to come and assist with the raffle.
Keith Williamson, for his artistic talent with the advertising.
Last but not least, all stallholders, the karaoke organisers and anybody else who took part in the event who we may have forgotten to thank!
Said Patch Glover: "The Association took £1,400 on the Sunday and brought an enormous number of people into Beaumaris.
We hope that the businesses in the town, who have been so helpful to us, benefited from the Day.
Although we still have a long way to go, £6,000 worth of play equipment will be in place during the Autumn.
On Friday 22nd August a large group of children and parents congregated around the area of what will be the Thomas Close Play Area.
They had come to watch Bethan Lloyd Jukes of Medrwn Mon, Jan Hughes PCSO Beaumaris and Faith Allsop PCSO Menai Bridge present a cheque for £1,500 to Emma Mayers, Chairperson and Robert Charlton, Treasurer of the Thomas Close Play Area.
The children were clearly excited and clapped and cheered as the cheque for this important and very much needed area in Beaumaris was presented.
Patch Glover of Beaumaris, who organised the Fun Day on the village green on August Bank holiday, was very happy with the turn out.
Treasurer, Robert Charlton thanked local businesses and the many local people who are supporting the Association.
The Group very much appreciate all the help being given but there is still a long way to go and people who feel they can help with anything at all should contact Robert on 01248 811377.
Bethan Lloyd Jukes, Ynys Mon Play Development Officer said:
"This collaboration between various agencies improving playgrounds and promoting safe play is an excellent example of what can be achieved locally with limited funding.
The aim is to provide high quality play provision and activities that are fun, appropriate and challenging for the children and young people of the island communities.
It is integral in their physical, social and mental well-being and health."