Say 'Yes' to Nuclear Wales

by A Rawson
(Rhosneigr Anglesey)

The events in Fukushima,Japan should put everyones mind at rest, a 30+ year old power station survives a Tsunami and earthquake.

The tsunami and earthquake were much bigger than it was even designed to cope with, and the only noticable effect was the news agencies went into meltdown over their stupid scaremongering.

How many health scares has Wylfa on Anglesey caused? Compare that to how many are caused by coal,oil and gas power stations. It's a no brainer.

Nuclear is the future.

I was asked recently if I would be happy with a Nuclear power station being built in 'My Back Yard' and to be fair (as I have looked into them and feel I have a well informed/balanced opinion) the answer is an resounding 'Yes'.

Instead of accepting the drivel that the press were spouting about Fukushima I decided to learn about what the risks were instead, and I suggest others do the same.

Remember if we don't build these new plants the lights will go out. We can't rely on the wind turbines. Wylfa B is a must for Anglesey.

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Comments for Say 'Yes' to Nuclear Wales

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Oct 13, 2011
no more please
by: Anonymous

I live on Anglesey and I STILL think it's a bad idea. How would you like it if there were people burying radioactive waste on YOUR doorstep? Plus, if it blows we all die. Lots of fun that idea. It's not renewable, it's not safe, and it is NOT a good idea. Stick to wind and tidal. Much better.

Oct 13, 2011
by: Meg

Why Anglesey again? If it's so safe build one in London, surely they could do with extra employment too!

Anglesey is approx 18 miles from Wylfa to the Menai or Britannia bridge, the exclusion zone around the Fukushima plant was 18 miles, so where do the entire population of this island go in the event of a disaster?

Do we all invade Bangor if we can get there in time? How on earth haven't these questions been answered? How was the first ever built here when they knew an exclusion zone would mean the entire Isle of Anglesey's population seeking refuge over the bridge pronto!

It's no wonder now why most of the 'team leaders' and 'higher ranking' employees of Wylfa power station live in areas closest to the bridge!! They must obviously know something we don't.

Please don't mistake me coming across as an anti-nuclear fanatic, I used to work in the power station a few years ago, and know a thing or two on how it is run or dare I say how the figures are adjusted to get the right readings!

I strongly feel after Japan's disaster .. enough is enough! Thanks but NO THANKS!!

Sep 19, 2011
Cardiff Wales
by: Justin

Anglesey shouldn't be wrecked by big ugly power stations that have the potential in case of disaster to wipe out the whole island. Wales needs good renewable energy not renewable energy that poses a threat to not only humans but all life. renewable energy is supposed to help the environment but I don't see how any nuclear power station could achieve this.

Apr 27, 2011
Wylfa B, no thanks
by: Meg

Why Anglesey again? If it's so safe build one in London, surely they could do with extra employment too!

On Anglesey it is approx 18 miles from Wylfa to the Menai or Britannia bridges, the exclusion zone around the Fukushima plant was 18 miles, so where do the entire population of this island go in the event of a disaster?

Do we all invade Bangor if we can get there in time? How on earth haven't these questions been answered?

How was the first ever built here when they knew an exclusion zone would mean the entire Isle of Anglesey's population seeking refuge over the bridge pronto!

It's no wonder now why some of the 'team leaders' and 'higher ranking' employees of Wylfa power station live in areas closest to the bridge!!

They must obviously know something we don't.

Please don't mistake me coming across as an anti-nuclear fanatic, I used to work in the power station a few years ago, and know a thing or two on how it is run or dare I say how the figures are adjusted to get the right readings!

I strongly feel after Japan's disaster .. enough is enough! Thanks but NO THANKS!!

Apr 26, 2011
Chernobyl not relevant
by: Anonymous

it was a dissaster in Ukraine but you cant compare the two incidents. what happened in Chernobil was because of political pressure and ignoring proper rules.

In Japan they have faced a mega natural shock, big earthquake and tidal wave.

So please, dont confuse. We need nuclear because old power stations are closing and we need the electricity.

Apr 26, 2011
Chernobyl Anniversary
by: Seth

Today is the 25th anniversary of the Chernobyl nuclear accident. A big cloud of nuclear dust spread across Europe.

Even today there is still a 30km exclusion zone around the abandoned site.

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