Say 'Yes' to Nuclear Wales
by A Rawson
(Rhosneigr Anglesey)
The events in Fukushima,Japan should put everyones mind at rest, a 30+ year old power station survives a Tsunami and earthquake.
The tsunami and earthquake were much bigger than it was even designed to cope with, and the only noticable effect was the news agencies went into meltdown over their stupid scaremongering.
How many health scares has Wylfa on Anglesey caused? Compare that to how many are caused by coal,oil and gas power stations. It's a no brainer.
Nuclear is the future.
I was asked recently if I would be happy with a Nuclear power station being built in 'My Back Yard' and to be fair (as I have looked into them and feel I have a well informed/balanced opinion) the answer is an resounding 'Yes'.
Instead of accepting the drivel that the press were spouting about Fukushima I decided to learn about what the risks were instead, and I suggest others do the same.
Remember if we don't build these new plants the lights will go out. We can't rely on the wind turbines.
Wylfa B is a must for Anglesey.
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