People For Wylfa B
by Paul Smith
There are often need for compromises and I think that on balance Wylfa B should go ahead.
Nuclear technology is now much safer than it used to be and disposal is also safer.
Given the climate change problem partly caused by burning fossil fuels, nuclear must be one of the several clean energy solutions.
I would only say that nuclear must be able to compete economically with other sources of clean fuel.
Frankly I am tired of seeing stickers saying No to Wylfa B. Why does someone not produce some stickers saying Yes to Wylfa B?
Editor: Thanks for your contribution Paul. While there is a role for alternative energy sources, I think it is widely acknowledged that these, principally wind, solar, tidal and biomass, can only ever make an addition at the margins.
We must also remember that much of the renewable source has the problem of intermediation, so turbines don't turn on flat calm days, and solar is only effective for half a day at best. Unlike coal, gas and nuclear, the renewables don't provide the essential baseload, which we take for granted in our lives.
I forgot to mention hydroelectric which also makes a contribution for the peaks, and we have a local source at Llanberis.For more local articles and stories, subscribe to our free
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