Nuclear Anglesey but poorest corner of island

by Huw
(Ynys Môn)

Short-sighted M.P's like Albert Owen and our infamous county council hold Anglesey back. We deserve better than having another dangerous, polluting nuclear power plant dumped here by London.

The island is blessed with resources – physical and human – second to none, and they now need to be used effectively to create a confident future for the population of the island.

In Ireland today, 100,000 people are employed in the ICT sector. Extrapolated to the population of Anglesey, one would expect 1,750 similar jobs here.

Figures for the industry here are not available but the opportunities are few. Why the difference? – the lack of appropriate policies !!

Below, there is a summary of what is feasible as a practical strategy for employment on the island

1) Decommissioning of Wylfa up to 2020 – employment for 500 for 12-15 years. This figure is based on the experience of Trawsfynydd and, as such, gives a lengthy period and a clear opportunity to establish the foundations of a new economy.

2) Programme to conserve 20% of energy usage (administration, marketing, contracting and maintenance) – work for 95 people.

3) Tidal current energy, a rich source around the island. The company Marine Current Turbines Ltd. estimates that at least 250MW could be created annually – enough to meet the needs of Anglesey.

4)Aluminium and more (production, operation, maintenance) – work for 50 people.

5) Wave energy – (operational, maintenance) – work for 20

6) Wind turbines at sea (operational, maintenance) – work for 20

7)Bio-mass – a small 20MW unit (fuel production, operational, maintenance) – work for 20

8) Solar energy – Photo-voltaic cells (production, installation, maintenance) – work for 150 initially increasing as the market develops in other areas

9)Liquid Natural Gas (LNG) – a storage depot in Amlwch with either a gas-fired station at Wylfa or on a smaller scale at Penrhos for Anglesey Aluminium – work for between 20-100 depending on the station`s size.

Therefore, approximately 400 jobs in the renewable energy industry. This compares with the 150 jobs – direct and indirect – that we can expect with any new nuclear power station at Wylfa, as the new generation of stations will require a far smaller workforce than previously.

What about other opportunities for work on the island ?

1)Mention has already been made of the Information Technology and Communication sector – work for 1750

2)Food and food processing. With the island having a "green" and "organic" image, we must take advantage of this. Development of the agricultural cooperative model – work for 75

3) Sea-based enterprises – again a healthy foods image – work for 50

4) Cultural tourism – promotion of the industry overseas; according to ECTARC 90% of Germans visit Wales because of its culture – work for 50.

5)Craft industry – further promotion of the industry – work for 50

Another 2025 jobs approximately.

In considering the various options for job creation, it can be seen that employment on the island can be developed considerably.

If the above opportunities were implemented, over 2,400 additional jobs would be created so ensuring 2,250 more than any proposal based on Wylfa B.

Further, if one considers that the island`s population fell from 68,175 in 1991 to 66,829 in 2001, it is seen that this level of employment is urgently needed if the depopulation trend is to be reversed.

This is something that Wylfa has failed to do, let alone Wylfa B could do with its smaller demands for a workforce.

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Comments for Nuclear Anglesey but poorest corner of island

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Sep 13, 2009
Wylfa power station is a blot !!
by: a obrien

I recently had the good fortune to stay at Llanfairynghornwy, and we visited Bull Bay.

What a beautiful place this is, but it is lacking in cultural investment,you have a beautiful hotel by the slip way and it is desperate for refurbishment to generate proper income.

We holiday in the lake district and I find Anglesey has more to offer in beaches and good walks,but there is nothing else.

Surely the local council and MP can see this.

Keep up the good fight and lets make things better if no for ourselves then for our children?

Mar 25, 2008
Where's the investment?
by: Anonymous

"Feasible" is fine but to make it happen someone needs to invest money in it. I'm all in favour of alternative energy sources, and they probably will make a big contribution in the long term, but if companies are prepared to invest in Wylfa B now it would be folly to turn them away.

You're wrong about Albert Owen too. He has worked very effectively for Anglesey and he'll get my vote next time.

Mar 23, 2008
Anglesey Jobs
by: Anonymous

Sorry Huw, you cannot compare Trawsfynydd's experience to Wylfa.

Although both are Magnox sites, they are very different, and it will take a fraction of the time to prepare for the Care and Maintenance phase of decommissioning.

A look at the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority's plan at will show that although preparations will continue until 2025, staffing will dramatically drop off to around 200 by 2014 and less than 100 by 2016.

As an older Magnox site, Trawsfynydd is far more complex and has more waste streams than Wylfa to clean up, which explains why it takes more people longer.

However, I suspect that those in Meirionnydd who moan that there are no jobs for local people will wish they campaigned for a new power station once the 600+ people who work there, 80% of whom are local, are thrown on the unemployed scrapheap.

Nothing will replace those valuable and well paid jobs there.

Well done Albert Owen and the Plaid Cymru people who have come to their senses - real jobs will bring real benefits, and they must focus on developing other sectors in the wake of what Wylfa B will bring.

Mar 22, 2008
Need action, not just ideas!
by: Anonymous

Great ideas but Wylfa B is a real prospect not just wishful thinking. Why not put your energy into getting some of this stuff actually happening. Just think how much worse this corner of Anglesey would have been without Wylfa.

Mar 18, 2008
Island Needs Wylfa and Renewable Projects
by: Anthony Graves

Why does Huw see everything as a choice between Wylfa B new power station and other ideas? It is possible to have all these excellent ideas you suggest AND a new nuclear build on Anglesey. It is not one or the other.

Just think about it. If Huw is right about the number of jobs in his estimate then you can add another 1,000 say while Wylfa B is being built and certainly about 300+ when it is in operation.

So it is possible to have high quality jobs for people operating a new nuclear power station as well as for those involved in site demolition and decommissioning.

I don't know what Huw means by conservation of energy programmes and how you would create 95 jobs.

On the tidal farms, I think MCT Limited are looking at 7 units giving up to 10.5 MW between Skerries and Carmel Head. I don't know how you get to 250 MW, which is just over the amount Anglesey Aluminium would need. Over 20 times the current MCT plans!

The solar panels and photovoltaics are a good idea, and this is certainly a growth area. I suppose there would be link ups with Sharps in Wrexham.

Huw talks about LNG. The plans by Canatxx LNG are going ahead, as I understand it, and they would want to regasify the LNG at Amlwch and then pipe it under the Irish Sea to Lancashire. There would be a lot of construction jobs for the time the site at old Great Lakes site is redeveloped.

I don't know about a gas-fired power station at Wylfa though. I heard on the news that we want to try to limit our dependence on gas powered electricity generation. It's enough to have LNG at Amlwch to supply the UK grid.

In the end we can see Anglesey being a sort of energy island, bringing new nuclear together with tidal energy and the growth of biomass as a source of alternative fuel.

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