London Euston Holyhead Fares Too Expensive
by AT
Do you think London Euston to Holyhead train fares are too expensive?
A report by Passenger Focus, a travel watchdog, says British rail travellers pay lot more for using trains than rail users on mainland Europe.
Passenger Focus say that train fares are about 50% higher here in the UK than on the continent.
So if you travel to or from London from Holyhead, Bangor Chester or any of the stations in between, what is your experience on fares?
Do you think we should not have to pay for greater flexibility?
If you want to go from Holyhead to Euston and get a very good price you may need to book at least 2 weeks in advance and specify your train and time.
Should we have more trains available and what do you feel about weekend arrangements when you may need to use a coach for parts of the journey?