Listen Community Voice Initiative on Anglesey

by Kathy Slinn
(NWAAA,Bangor, North Wales)

My name is Kathy Slinn, I am interested in reaching people on Anglesey who are disabled or have long term health conditions.

I work on the ‘Listen’ Community Voice project which aims to get communities together and support them to engage with service planning and service delivery.

Over the next two years I will be organising meetings and events to look at Public Body policies, strategies, consultations and plans.

My goal is to make sure that service directors and managers are asking people from communities to help them shape services.

If you have ideas about what needs to change or how to improve services on Anglesey I would love to hear from you.

If you are interested in getting involved with "Listen" Community Voice and want to keep informed of events or meetings which I organise I would love to hear from you.

I will be posting information in Anglesey Today and on my Facebook page to keep communities up to date with progress and events.

e-mail me at: Kathy(dot)slinn(at)nwaaa(dot)co(dot)uk

Phone me on: 01248 670852

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