Let Us Generate Own Power on Anglesey

by Ray

Nuclear power is a short sighted option.You can not get away from the waste issue. Those who want it are blinkered.

It's lazy to expect or take for granted our power supply. There's problems with these pylons and they need more of them. Just look at the agro in Mid Wales.

The government should be investing in systems to allow everybody to generate their own power supply....No more need for mass suppliers.

Britain needs to look at the bigger picture and ensure a healthy and clean future for its children.

Thanks Ray for your contribution. Have you read about the various schemes now available to households to fit solar panels on rooftops or in other prominent places?

There is a Feed In Tariff scheme in which the government will pay you a tariff for between 20 and 25 years for placing these solar panels on your roof.

The scheme also covers other forms of renewable energy such as wind turbines and biomass. You could install a mini-wind turbine on your roof, and have a wood burner to warm the home.

By installing solar panels and/or wind turbines you will be able to make money for each kWh you generate, and sell back to the national grid.

There are a few companies currently advertising their installation services.

I do think in Britain we need a balanced energy policy, combining nuclear, wind, tidal, solar and biomass. This way provides the highest energy security and reliability and predictability of supply.

But I agree with you that microgeneration schemes such as those described above are a valuable addition to the current energy mix, which will still incidentally include clean coal as well as nuclear.

Thanks again for your contribution.

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