If safe, why are nuclear power stations built in rural areas
by Will
(Anglesey - Ynys Mon)
I am pleased that Sir James Lovelock, eminent scientist, environmentalist and author of the Gaia theory, believes opposition to nuclear energy is based on irrational fear, fed by Holywood-style fiction, the Green lobby and the media.
He states such fears are unjustified, citing that nuclear energy, since inception in 1952, has the best safety record of all energy sources.
Sounds very reassuring but I am puzzled therefore why the generating companies spend so much money in building nuclear power stations so far away from the areas of demand.
If a power station similar to Wylfa on Anglesey provides sufficient power for the cities of Liverpool and Manchester, it seems sensible to me to build it somewhere in between the two cities.
This way they would reduce the considerable cost of power lines etc in getting the power to these two locations.
As safety is not an issue, am I missing something here?
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