Fukushima was ok, was it?

by Rumpelstiltskin

Fukushima,Japan went into meltdown, it didn’t survive either the quake or tidal wave. Wilfa B will not solve the lack of jobs on the Island.

Anglesey Aluminium is gone now, and in any case ANYONE who lives here knows full well both Anglesey Aluminium (while it was here)moderated.

It’s like trying to build a house here, moderated. Oh, and if I was cut off from the grid, I’d get a wind generator.

I’ve lived off the mains before, it’s not so bad, I’d sooner live off the grid with no hope of a job than with a meltdown, still with no hope of a job, given a choice.

Thank you for your contribution. Clearly, you feel strongly about some of these issues, but please take care with some of your conclusions. As you see some of the comment has been moderated.

More comment on likely outcome of events in Japan with regard to a new power station on Anglesey.

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Comments for Fukushima was ok, was it?

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Oct 10, 2011
Nuclar power on Anglesey. Yes, Please
by: John

people who oppose the construction of Wylfa B behave like a bunch of ignorant beatnick hippies who know nothing different. Nuclear is crucial to our modern society and yes the situation in Japan is terrible but that has no bearing on what we should do as a nation.

These people never had a professional job EVER and their mindset is stuck in the Soviet Union!

Jul 19, 2011
jobs will come
by: Jo

why do you say Wylfa B won't bring the jobs to the island? estimates say about 5,000+ jobs will come with the build of Wylfa B, and more from supply chains etc.

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