Diploma in Counselling Skills

by Necia Beckett
(Richards Bay, South Africa)

Hi Jan, I am 50 years old and looking for a career change. I am very interested in the Consultant Nutritional Therapist path you followed.

Please enlighten me as to where you found the Diplomas in Counselling skills/Nutritional Sciences etc.

I have been surfing the UNISa website for almost an hour and cannot find what I am looking for!

I live in Richards Bay, South Africa and at present am a practising Landscaper.

Necia Beckett


Important counselling skills which make for a better relationship between counsellor and client. Article by Jan Walker, Dip Nut Sc, Rhydwyn, Anglesey.

Comments for Diploma in Counselling Skills

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Jun 28, 2010
Counselling Skills
by: Jan Walker

Hi Sarah, Many thanks for your enquiry. Yes I can help with tutoring basic Counselling Skills and CBT. You don't mention where you are located - if it is in N Wales these can be run at a convenient venue, alternatively I am in the process of developing an online course to enable larger take up of this essential skill. Please let me know. Use the contact form on this site and leave your email address, then I will contact you, if you are interested. Looking forward to hearing from you. Jan

Jun 28, 2010
Counselling Skills
by: Jan Walker

Hi Necia, Thanks for your query. I studied these courses way back in the late 80'S early 90's so they have probably changed or been merged into different curriculae by now. For Nutritional Science courses since I have been back in the UK I have found that the Institute of Optimum Nutrition or the SNHS Diploma in Nutrition are good courses to take and I believe they can be taken as distance learning courses. I now run Counselling and CBT courses here in the UK so if you would like to get started with something of this nature I would be happy to consider running these via e-mail - use the contact form here and I can send you my email address, if you would like more information. Hope to hear from you.

Jun 28, 2010
by: Sarah

I would like to know more about such courses too. Can we take these online or do we have to attend a school or college center?

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