Anglesey Swimming Pool Closure Plans Anger

by Chris, IOASC Coach and Treasurer

Last week Anglesey County Council announced plans to close two of the three public swimming pools on the island. 300 people met in Amlwch on Thursday evening to discuss this.

A further meeting is planned for Wed 5 July at the memorial hall in Amlwch at 7pm.

Clwb Nofio Ynys Mon are dismayed at the proposed closures which will inevitably reduce pool time available for our swimmers.

There will also be massive knock on effects on schools and other pool users.

As an island community we believe it is vital that our children (and older people) are able to learn to swim confidently.

This story has been featured on BBC national news and Leisure Management magazine.

Note: There is a public meeting at Holyhead Leisure Centre on Friday, 6 August 2009.

Any member of the public can attend and contribute their view.

Further note: And what would closure of the swimming pools do for the health of Anglesey people.

Swimming is one of the best exercises you can do to reduce the risk of long term chronic illnesses such as heart disease.

Why is swimming prescribed by so many GP's as a means of getting back to good health and wellness?

Would the proposed closures help public health targets on the island?

Your views are welcome.

Related Articles:

Anglesey Council to close Holyhead Swimming Pool

Anglesey Council U-turn on Swimming Pools Closure

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Oct 08, 2009
by: Paul Magee

I am an elderly man who's only form of exercise is the holy-head pool, without which i would be stuck in my house all day. I seriously recommend the council reconsidering this decision as it will affect many more just like me.

Aug 11, 2009
(Note to editor)
by: Chris (IOASC)

Actually I just noticed someone else already added the information about the full meeting in September so it's probably not worth adding my belated brief comment.

Aug 11, 2009
Decision referred to full council in September
by: Chris (IOASC)

At a meeting on 7 August the Anglesey County Council Scrutiny Committee recommended the decision to close two pools be referred back to a full council meeting to allow all council members the opportunity to debate the matter.
We understand the meeting will be held in early September.

Aug 10, 2009
Anglesey Council so out of touch with people
by: Robin

Agreed. This council on Anglesey has no idea how to support people's health if they want to close the swimming pools. Must be most ill-thought, short sighted idea it has ever come up with. Suprise me, there may be another!!

They should look elsewhere to make savings.

Aug 09, 2009
Anglesey Leisure Strategy
by: Ray Williams

The Executive Committee of our Anglesey County Council, proved they are out of touch with the needs of the residents of our Island and, it was proven by the many public meetings and the overturning of the decision made by them,(In isolation) to put forward the proposal to close the Swimming Pools.

The Full Council will meet in early September to discuss the issue and with a recorded vote, which means we the voters will know which way our representative has cast his/her vote.

Lets see how many vote against their own people. I think not many as they will lose the rank and riches that are afforded to them as County Councillors.

Maybe it is time for us to think if we should propose a vote of no confidence in the executive for their poor decisions based on bad judgement.
Ray Williams

Aug 08, 2009
Holyhead Swimming pool close
by: Steve

i was at meeting Holyhead Leisure centre last night about closing the pool. Lots of people there. why is plaid cymru council wanting to close our pools? what about the health of our kids and also old people need exersise.this is a crazy idea. tell your friends about the council plans.

Aug 07, 2009
Keep fighting for your pools
by: Sally Wainman

I have started an Anglesey Swimming Pools thread on the General Forum of a website called Swimclub (www swimclub co uk)

This website has a membership of approx 3000 people and gets a lot of hits from all over the world

The amount 'saved' by closing pools is very small, especially when set against the scale of councillor allowances & expenses these days and also the salaries of top council employees.

For example the RCT Council closed the Treherbert Pool earlier this year, ostensibly to save £200,000. Yet that same council has greatly increased the number of council employees earning more than £60,000 per annum. In 2007/08 there were 47 people; by 2008/09 this had gone up to 64.

This results in a salary package of approx £4 million just for these 64 people, so you can see how small the saving on the pool is, by comparison.

I wish you luck in your campaign to save the swimming pools on Anglesey - in such an area, it makes no sense at all to try and undermine swimming competencies.

Aug 06, 2009
dont close Amlwch pool
by: Sarah

we use Amlwch pool a lot in the summer holidays. it would be bad for the town and the kids don't have many places to go as it is. this is a very bad move.

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