Anglesey Beach Blue Flag

by John
(United Kingdom)

What has happen to the beach in Benllech? It is dirty with plenty of seaweed. It's not normally like that, for a Blue flag beach.

We have been coming to Benllech for the past 10 years or more and it is the first time we have seen the beach like that.

I am not surprised to see NO Blue Flag flying this year at Benllech.

David's reply:

Thanks John for your contribution.

I understand that Blue Flag is run by Keep Wales Tidy.

This bathing water quality scheme ensures recommended European standards are met, covering environmental management for the beach area as well as the water.

European Blue Flag is supported by the Welsh Assembly Government (WAG), Anglesey County Council (for the island), and the European Commission.

According to Keep Wales Tidy, the Anglesey Beaches awarded the Blue Flag for 2009
were Benllech, Church Bay, Porth Dafarch, Llanddona, Trearddur Bay, and Llanddwyn.

So I am a little surprised by your observations. Perhaps you could take some photos and post them here?

Of course some beaches may get an occasional surge in the amount of seaweed deposited from time to time, and perhaps you just happened to be unfortunate.

Our coastlines are checked to ensure they are safe from a public health perspective, and there are even studies into radioactivity levels to reassure the public that the environment is not adversely affected.

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Nov 29, 2016
Informative Post
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Nov 27, 2016
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Jun 29, 2015
good post
by: Sarrota

Anglesey Beach is the most famous beach and huge number go that beach because this beach have some extra facilities which others have not. Therefore, people like to prefer that beach. Blue flags around all the Anglesey Beach, I want to get reliable information about best place to swim on the island. Please someone share your experience with me.

Jun 23, 2015
Good post
by: Kip Johnston

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May 15, 2011
Benllech beach
by: Anonymous

Sea - Seaweed!! Unusual? - NO

Jul 07, 2009
use seaweed
by: Wil

hey, John, you can use all that seaweed for your garden:)

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