Anglesey News for July 2006
So if you missed what happened in July 2006 for Angleseey, here is your chance to catch up by perusing the July news digest.
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Anglesey Aluminium Smelter, Holyhead

Anglesey Council supports Beaumaris Marina
Anglesey County Council will contribute $470,000 towards developing the Gallows Point Marina project in Beaumaris.
Developers Anglesey Boat Company (ABC) are driving forward the $25 m project which is part of a wider regeneration of the island.
Building work is expected to start in 2007 and plans suggest that up to 100 jobs will be created.
As Mike Barton of Anglesey council said: "The project secures key regeneration objectives".
Canatxx LNG Public Consultation Exhibition
Canatxx Energy Ventures Ltd. are holding a public consultation in Amlwch, Anglesey from Wednesday, 19 July to Friday, 21 July.
With prospects for an LNG regasification facility on the outskirts of Amlwch likely, the exhibition is expected to show the plans of how the proposed site would look.
Members of the public will have an opportunity to question experts and to leave comments.
Homebase jobs boost for Holyhead
Investment by Homebase, the giant DIY retailer could secure up to 50 jobs for Holyhead on Anglesey. Good news for local economy.
According to the retailer, the store, which will be on the site of the old Kwiks Save, is due to open in early 2007.
Wylfa Power Station Sport Relief Event
Wylfa Power Station on Anglesey will host a Sport Relief Mile event on Saturday, 15 July 2006 from 10 a.m onwards.
Sport Relief is an initiative of Comic Relief and aims to raise cash to help change lives for the better.
Here is an opportunity to run a mile around some beautiful countryside with lovely sea views near Wylfa. The site is also running a Health Promotion day at the same time.
Last time these events were held in the UK more than 80,000 people took part. For more information use the Contact Us form on this site.
Anglesey House Prices May Fall
News that house prices in Anglesey, and more widely, in Wales fell in May, shocks homeowners.
According to figures released by the Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG), annual house price inflation in the UK in May was 5.6%.
While in England house inflation in May rose from 4.7% to 5.2%, in Wales it fell from 6.6% to 5.1%.
These figures seem to confirm the anecdotal evidence on Anglesey.
Anglesey waits for Nuclear decision
Anglesey waits for the Government to announce the findings of its Energy Review. The big news will be whether new nuclear power plants, which could include Wylfa B, will be given the green light.
Comments made by Alistair Darling, the Trade and Industry Secretary today, strongly suggest that new nuclear is on the agenda.
He said that with nuclear's current contribution to the energy mix at 20% but falling to 6% within 15 years, the energy gap has to be bridged.
With Wylfa B a distinct possibility, the prospects for economic growth on the island are huge.
The energy review seeks to find how to secure the UK energy supply and cut greenhouse gas emissions.
The problem for Anglesey is that the Welsh Assembly Government has said it sees no need for more nuclear power stations in Wales.
Nuclear Energy support from Number 10
Nuclear Energy will play a big role in UK energy policy, following Tony Blair's support for ministers, who will present the Energy Review findings to Parliament today.
This news really boosts the case for Wylfa B on Anglesey, which is great news for the local economy.
The Prime Minister's official spokesman said that "wishful thinking will not keep the lights on". There will be no nuclear subsidy, as the costs will be carried by the companies investing in new plants.
Number 10 believes the use of renewables and energy efficiency measures alone will not be enough to tackle the problems of greenhouse gas emissions and the energy gap.
Holyhead attracts more cruise shipsHolyhead on Anglesey is becoming a magnet for North American cruise ships cruising the UK.
Feedback from last year's visitors has been very positive. And to coincide with Celebrate Anglesey the first ship to arrive on the 19 July is the Golden Princess, who visited last year.
Hot in her wake will be Saga Ruby, due in Holyhead on 5 August.Then, on the 12 August Golden Princess makes a second visit and again on 1 September.
Let's hope these folks spread the good news about their experiences of Anglesey.
Wylfa to get Nuclear Inspectors visit
Wylfa on Anglesey is to be checked out by Government inspectors to see if it is suitable for a new nuclear power station.
Following the publication of the Energy Review, speculation is mounting that Wylfa could site one of the first new nuclear reactors.
A strategic assessment of the environmental impacts of possible nuclear power station sites would likely include a fast-track planning process.
Canatxx to show Anglesey LNG plans
US Energy company Canatxx will hold an exhibition of its proposals to develop a liquified natural gas (LNG) storage facility at the old Great Lakes bromine works in Amlwch.
The company expects to submit a planning application in a few months.
With potential for up to 60 jobs at the site, plans show a pipeline from a fixed platform about 1.5 miles offshore would pump the LNG ashore.
Once ashore the liquid would be heated up in the regasification facility, which has a capacity of about 3 billion cubic feet of gas each day.
The public exhibition will be open from 0930 to 2030 on Wednesday, 19 and Thursday, 20 July and between 0830 and 1400 on Friday, 21 July.
Wylfa Power Station to close in 2010
With Wylfa Nuclear Power Station's closure in 2010 confirmed by the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA), politicians are now calling for special economic aid for Anglesey.
Reacting to the news, the island's MP, Albert Owen, wants to see an "energy policy for Anglesey" that will stabilise the local economy, which could lose up to 1,500 jobs. Both Anglesey County council and Mr Owen supported the building of a new nuclear power plant at Wylfa, which currently supplies electricity to the Rio Tinto smelter at Anglesey Aluminium, Holyhead.
The Welsh Assembly Government Economic Development Minister, Andrew Davies AM, sees the need for investment for the whole of North West Wales, to include Bangor University as a hub. He believes this would benefit Anglesey.
Welsh Assembly Conservative economic spokesman, Alun Cairns AM, wants Anglesey to be given special status, where companies would get tax relief for inward investment.
Anglesey welcomes Government Energy Review
Anglesey County Council has welcomed the UK Government's Energy Review findings this week. It makes the prospects of a new Wylfa power station more likley.
Basically, the report says that the UK must tackle the twin strategic problems of climate change and energy security.
This scenario favours new build nuclear power stations, because nuclear energy does not produce harmful greenhouse gases.
So if the private sector decides to invest in such plants, other things being equal, Wylfa on Anglesey is a strong candidate for one of the sites.
While the council and a substantial majority of the island's population is in favour, there is a pressure group called PAWB who will oppose any plans for new build.
There is also a political dimension to this story in that the UK government at Westminster sees the need for nuclear energy in a balanced energy policy, while the Welsh Assembly government takes the opposite view.
See Puffin Island from Pleasure Cruise Ship
View Puffin Island and more of the beautiful East Anglesey coast aboard the Balmoral pleasure cruise ship.
The Balmoral, a British registered vessel able to carry 683 passengers, leaves Llandudno pier at 12 noon on Tuesday 18 July, and returns at 5.15 p.m.
You should be able to enjoy spectacular coastal scenery around the Menai Straits and view the rich marine life along the Anglesey coast.
There is a self-service restaurant onboard. For prices and other information telephone (0845) 130 4647.
Tickets are also available from tourist information centres in LLandudno, Colwyn bay or Prestatyn. Alternatively, you can buy a ticket onboard.
Candu Nuclear Reactor for Wylfa B?
Will a Wylfa B power station get the Canadian Candu reactor? Following encouraging news from the Government's energy review last week, a Canadian power company, AECL, is already marketing its new reactor design in Britain.
According to The Business (Sunday, 16 July), an AECL team led by Ala Alizadeh are meeting top officials at the Department of Trade and Industry.
The Candu reactor is a popular design, responsible for about a third of global nuclear reactors built over the last decade. But it has competition from Westinghouse's AP1000 and French company, Areva's EPR reactor.
While the energy review did not promise any nuclear subsidy for a new power station, there will be a fast track process for planning. This is likely to stop local enquiries from causing delays by raising economic, health or safety questions over new stations.
Anglesey temperature soars higher
Anglesey is experiencing the hottest day of the year, with temperatures forecast to soar to 34 degrees centigrade.
Wales is expected to see the July record of 33.6 degrees centigrade broken. Great news for sun seekers.
Coastal visibility on West Anglesey is fair, with some haze restricting a proper view of the Skerries lighthouse from Holyhead. The cruise liner anchored off the Anglesey Aluminium jetty is visible though from Valley.
Take care if off the the beach. If you have any concerns about the heat and its effects, medical advice is available from NHS Direct on (0845)4647.
Anglesey economic aid hopes
With Wylfa Nuclear Power Station's closure in 2010 confirmed by the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA), politicians are now calling for special economic aid for Anglesey.
The island's MP, Albert Owen, wants to see an "energy policy for Anglesey" that will stabilise the local economy, which could lose up to 1,500 jobs. Both Anglesey County council and Mr Owen supported the building of a new nuclear power plant at Wylfa, which currently supplies electricity to the Rio Tinto smelter at Anglesey Aluminium, Holyhead.
The Welsh Assembly Government Economic Development Minister, Andrew Davies AM, sees the need for investment for the whole of North West Wales, to include Bangor University as a hub. He believes this would benefit Anglesey.
Welsh Assembly Conservative economic spokesman, Alun Cairns AM, wants Anglesey to be given special status, where companies would get tax relief for inward investment.
Sea Fishing on Holyhead Breakwater, Anglesey
Sea Fishing activity was high on Holyhead Breakwater today. With gorgeous sunshine continuing, a blue sky and a light south
westerly breeze blowing across the outer harbour at Holyhead, it was a perfect setting to test ones sea fishing skills.
Some anglers cast over the northern side of the breakwater while others were content to take their chances on the lower wall section, facing the harbour southward.
According to Terry Jones of Colwyn Bay Fishing Club, it's easier on the harbour side because the bottom is mud and the risk of getting your fishing tackle caught in the rocks is minimal.
On the outer wall it's more difficult because of the boulders, thrown over the side to protect the breakwater, act as obstacles.
Today most of the anglers were catching wrasse, pouting, rockling, dog fish, poor cod and the odd conger eel. At about 11 o'clock this evening they will weigh each angler's box and see who has won.
Anglesey Labour Party selects Assembly candidate
Anglesey Labour Party members have selected barrister, Jonathan Austin, to contest the Welsh Assembly elections in May 2007.
A well attended selection meeting in Llangefni today heard Jonathan set out his vision for moving Anglesey forward and engaging with all stakeholders on the island.
Jonathan has strong family roots on Anglesey, having attended school at Amlwch and with other connections across the island.
He said: "With news of Wylfa's closure in 2010 and the possible knock-on effect on Anglesey Aluminium, economic regeneration will be a major issue here. I believe I can speak up effectively for Anglesey to ensure the local economy and its people get the right opportunities for growth and more jobs".
Anglesey Tidal Energy study hopeful
Anglesey could develop tidal energy generation within 3 years according to a marine energy company.
Marine Current Turbines (MCT) from Bristol has just been awarded 700,000 pounds under EU Objective One funding to carry out a scoping exercise along the Anglesey coast.
An environmental impact assessment (EIA) will follow in the autumn. Great news for those wanting more green energy.
South Stack Views to Ireland
South Stack and Holyhead Mountain were bathed in beautiful sunshine this afternoon. Anglesey continues to enjoy high temperatures.
With barely a breathe of wind, it was possible to make out the Wicklow mountains of Ireland to the West.
Looking North from the cliffs above South Stack we could make out Snaeffell mountain on the Isle of Man. Simply breathtaking!
To the South the magnificent Lleyn peninsula, the Snowdon Range and right at the end, Bardsey Island, like a mouse rising from the sea.
A small plane taking off from RAF Valley airport soon passes over, breaking the natural sounds of gulls floating on the thermals off the cliffs and the waves crashing against the rocks below.
All around was a wild blanket of purple heather and green bracken, with odd pockets of yellow scattered here and there.
And on the horizon, like small floating matchsticks, coasters made their way past the Skerries lighthouse.
Finally, to the East was Holyhead Port and the Anglesey Aluminium smelter, with its thin plume of smoke rising upwards from the chimney in the flat calm conditions.
Gorgeous Anglesey Weather changes
Anglesey has enjoyed excellent weather over the last week or so but now things are about to change. The Met Office 24 hour forecast for Inshore Waters including Anglesey at 0500 UTC today, suggests occasional rain, moderate sea visibility with fog patches and south westerly winds between force 3 to 4.
At lunchtime in Valley, the SW breeze seems stiffer (say 12-15 knots) though it’s still very warm (about 19 degrees C) and sunny. There is more patchy cloud though Holyhead Bay and the Dublin Ferry is clearly visible.
With pressure at 1010 mb and falling, it looks like light rain for this evening, with south westerly winds (15 knots) and a minimum temperature of 16 deg C. Tomorrow (Saturday) we can expect heavy rain and a stiff SW breeze (20 knots) but temperatures still around 19 deg C.
Anglesey beaches miss shark visit
Anglesey beach visitors missed a shark visit recently when a dead shark was washed up on a nearby Gwynedd beach.
News that the fast swimming, 7 foot (2.13 m) porbeagle shark, a member of the lamnidae family, was found washed up near Porthmadog last Sunday caused quite a stir.
Closely related to the great white, the porbeagle does not usually venture so far north, but is sometimes spotted in Cardigan Bay.
The most likely cause of death would be getting tangled in fishing nets, according to a local marine expert.
Anglesey Beach surf spectacular
Rhosneigr beach on Anglesey was a sea of coloured windsurf sails today.
With a fresh south westerly breeze blowing in off the Irish Sea and in beautiful warm sunshine, Rhosneigr beach welcomed dozens of eager wind surfers.
The hardy surfers in black wetsuits were pushed to display their skills. Many tried difficult stunts and spun out of control.
Afterwards Cymyran Coffee Shop and The Tea Clipper Teas Shop were doing excellent trade with customers sun lounging outside with their cappucinos and J2Os.
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